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ICCA Webinar: Promoting Sound Management of Chemicals in Plastics Globally and Nationally

Watch the recording of the International Council of Chemical Association’s (ICCA) webinar, Promoting Sound Management of Chemicals in Plastics Globally and Nationally held on 31 July 2024. Topics covered by the distinguished speakers include:

  • Principles of risk-based chemicals management.
  • Global and national regulations of chemicals used in plastics in both developed and developing countries.
  • Strategies for sound management of chemicals used in plastics, including in the context of the ongoing UN plastics treaty negotiations.

Watch Dr. Antony (Tony) Williams, Cheminformaticion with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide a demonstration of two publicly available tools EPA has developed to facilitate the risk assessment of chemicals, including plastic additives.

1) CompTox Chemicals Dashboard contains chemical structures, experimental and predicted physicochemical and toxicity data, hazard and bioassay data, and more.

2) Cheminformatics analysis modules provide information on chemicals including high-quality chemical structures, experimental and predicted physicochemical properties, environmental fate and transport information, and appropriately linked toxicity data.